meximick's Diaryland Diary


Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit

I ride the Brown Line into downtown Chicago everyday. Never concerned with making it to work on time, I am always surprised and pleased when I hear the same announcement, friendly, but authoritative:

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome aboard Chicago Trasit Authority Ravenswood Brown Line. The time now is 8:07. At this time, I invite you to ride the CTA later this afternoon on your return trip. Thank you once again for riding the CTA."

One driver says this. Just one guy on all the Els I've ever been on. And I always look forward to the front of the car with a mix of amusement and confusion. Why does he make the effort? And I see similar looks on the faces of other commuters. The driver takes more care to thank and welcome his passengers than I've seen many airline pilots provide. And I smile, because it's a fucking rare thing these days to be thanked when you don't expect to be thanked by strangers. And I gave that guy a thumbs up as I walked past on the platform.

So I decided to start an exercise regime. Already this morning I worked out for 20 min on the stationary bike. You'd think with my extreme level of physical inactivity that I should now be near death, or dead.

But I'm ok.

I'm tough.

And it wasn't that awful either. Hopefully I can do this everyday.

And hopefully I won't be awakened everyday like I was this morning at 5:00 to the bells and chime intro to "Time", as my roommate insists on having a drunken Pink Floyd sing-along hour. I didn't yell. Didn't swear. Just gave him my headphones and told him to keep it down.

Babytime tonight. Hopefully she won't explode all over me like last time.

I just hesitantly tried a slice of grapefruit my boss insisted I try and I didn't die. It's not as bad as I thought. Tart, but the Texas Ruby Red is a sweeter varietal, for jackasses like me who like their fruit to taste not unlike candy.

I'm gonna get some water now.

Luv you.


8:37 p.m. - 2001-04-03


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