meximick's Diaryland Diary



OK, so I didn't exercise this morning. My back was paining me. Tonight, definitely.

So last night was pretty fun. Babyniece is as crazy about me as a 5 month old can be without directly stating so. But she has developed the bad habit of grabbing everything up to and including my eyeball. And her grip is something of legend. Imagine two tiny, cute little baby hands that might possibly be able to crush walnuts. Crazy, eh?

And why does my hair hate me so? It never obeys my incessant demands to not stick up all over the place, giving me the appearance of a homeless guy wearing khakis. And it has recently occurred to me that I may have worn this exact same shirt to work on Monday. I honestly can't remember. Is that bad? whatever

And I totally predict there will be an network made-for-tv movie based on the harrowing story of that military plane crew being held in China. And all of America will feel the good feelings in their hearts that can only come from bad television programming, and the freedom of living in a democratic republic, (which the US really isn't anyway).


What a silly kid's fight:

China: "We're keeping your plane because it landed on our part of the yard while you were spying on us!"

US: "I can do that if I want to. Give it back, you jackass. Oh, and don't look inside, either. It belongs to me."

China: "No. You started it. I haven't looked inside of anything. And besides, I can totally look inside if I want to, dink."

US: "You totally looked inside already! I saw you, you liar!"

China: "So what? Apologize."

US: "No way! Give it back!"

Except the two kids have huge fucking nuclear arsenals right behind them pointing them at each other. And they are getting madder.

And there are no parents around to break up this mess.

but i still luv you.


10:25 p.m. - 2001-04-04


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