meximick's Diaryland Diary


Welcome to Our World

So I was watching tv on Sunday, recovering from a hangover, when Mark suggested that a purchase be made... That purchase being the AWESOME 700 piece Lego Star Wars Millenium Falcon playset complete with Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 - all as little Lego people.

My head hurt.

I was broke.

I had (still have) a pile of laundry to wash.

And I thought that it was the greatest idea that I had ever heard of.

We looked and felt like 2 homeless people as we boarded the bus to Michigan Ave. on our way to FAO Schwarz, where we had already been guaranteed the product in question would be available, as we had called and had been transferred to someone called (no joke) "The Lego Master". We called ahead because we're smart like that.
And I have to say that there is no greater venue in which to suffer through a Sunday hangover than a huge-ass toy store with a million billion toys to play with. If they had been serving white russians and blunts, it would have been perfect. We spent a fairly obscene amount of money that we didn't have on the afore mentioned Millenium Falcoln set, the Slave I Lego set (Boba Fett's ship), and an Elvis Aloha From Hawaii 12" doll.
We went home and played with toys the rest of the day until we went bowling.
We won BTW.

15:24:36 - 2000-10-24


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