meximick's Diaryland Diary


To all the laydeez in the house, if you got the cash....

Yesterday, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., me and the girl had SUPER VIOLENT MEDIA DAY.

We, well I guess mostly I, watched Ran for the dozenth or so times. Then we went to see Brotherhood of the Wolf which is a film encompassing the best of all worlds:

Wanna impress a chick? - it's a French film!

A martial arts fan? - shit gets thrown down Age of Reason-style!

Freaky horror fan? - I must say I was both freaked out at times as well as horrified!

All this and some taseful nudity to boot!

It was more horror than I expected from those gutless French, but it was tastefully presented and exciting.

Ended the night with Oz, which thankfully had much less cock closeups than last week.

I did something very adult (and 26 is not adult?) today. I paid about $3000 to pay off a school loan in full. It's the biggest, most boring thing I've ever paid for. Actually, for someone in my case, I've bought freedom. One less bill. One less expense. Basically what this loan represents is the fact that I've finally paid 10 times too much for J Crew clothes, food delivery, and alcohol. Oh, and the drugs. Yeah.

So one of the ladies I work with noticed the bag of Churrumais I had on my desk, so I offered her the bag in order to gauge her response to their bold chili-lime flavor. She tasted one, contorted her face, then quickly lunged for the garbage can in a very unlady-like fashion. She then said something to the effect of, "Damn, it looks like someone was around on the weekend smoking blunts, when they came up with that flavor. Damn." Um. Yeah.

Went to the Ludacris show on Sunday. Such a waste of money. The DJ from WGCI was the best part of the show. The buildup was too long. And who the fuck were the 100+ people behind Ludacris on stage?! I rolled a pathetic joint and I felt 17 all over again as I lit it, and the girl looked out for security. AND security made me toss my keychain Swiss Army knife. Fuckers.

3:42 p.m. - 2002-01-22


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