meximick's Diaryland Diary


My Mom likes to share her opinions.

This is always refreshing to read first thing in the morning:


*Meximick*, I don't know how to tell you this but I'll try, I am very dissapointed to see the way you look with long hair, I just hope it is a wig. I know, it doesn't matter what I think or say but this is not my son who is on that picture. I don't really like to see you the way you look.

I am terribly disapointed, I'm so sorry for being so honest.

I love you with all my heart and I'm one of the most proud mothers of two kids in this world. You are a very handsome human being but I have been against men with long hair all my life.

Why did you do that, you are a professional guy not a hippie, please *Meximick*.

I'm so heart broken and sad,



Yeah. My mom's a weirdo. I wrote her back, telling her how her opinion matters none regarding my hair. Everyone's got a fucking comment about my hair. I'm gonna be fucking bald within 10 years and I'd like to grow my fucking hair out, OK!

I didn't include the word "fucking" in the final draft, but I felt a little better. But Jesus! It's bad enough we rarely talk, but for her to write to me telling me she's heartbroken over my fucking hair?! Man do I enjoy conversing with my Mom!!

And that wig comment was a bit out of line, I felt.

"you are a professional guy not a hippie..."---Uh. Got news for you, Mom. I enjoy drugs. They both make life better in inexplicable ways. And "professional guy"?! Someone's delusional....---

Who was that person who helped her perm her hair all those times?? Yeah, suckers, I helped my mom perm her hair! And she's grey now too, but she still dyes it!! Mwahahahaha.

9:15 a.m. - 2001-07-06


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