meximick's Diaryland Diary


Real World Tirade...

This just in: the Chicago Real World house is at the corner of North and Winchester. Winchester is one block east of Damen, on the north side of Chicago.

Mwahahahahahaha! Go forth and wreak merry destruction upon them! Toss unseemly things at their personage! Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!

I saw the first episode of the new Real World New York and instantly hated it. I broke the old Soviet Hate speed record with this one. With every subsequent Real World, I have hated the participants more and more quickly. I liked the first New York house, I was ok with LA, but I did start to have problems with Miami. The vast majority of those Miami people sucked quite a bit. San Francisco milked Pedro's death way heavily, but Puck was still reason enough to watch the show. I never watched Seattle, London, or Boston, and I still don't know why or if they are even worth it. Hawaii irritated me a lot, except for Tech Money and Justin, because Justin is A) a manipulative bastard who B) clearly didn't enjoy his Real World experience - two things I respect. But then there's New Orleans.... How could MTV sully the reputation of such a gorgeously, wretchedly indulgent city of filthy good times with all of those fucking jackasses in that house?! They sucked pretty bad, I felt.

So if you're in town - go see the Chicago Real World people at the corner of North and Winchester and give them shit.

Do it for Pedro and Puck.

12:40 p.m. - 2001-07-09


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