meximick's Diaryland Diary


Slow Friday

I really haven't thought of anything to say.

I'm not sure I like the new changes to Diaryland, but I'm in no mood to protest.

So this week has been a mess of non-work for me. I have been successfully avoiding doing much of anything all this week. Not that there hasn't been much guilt over it. Well, not so much guilt as fear that someone will call me on my abject laziness and then I will have to stand tall before The Man.

We recently discovered a random videotape which contained an episode of MTV's Headbanger's Ball, circa 1988. It was oddly enjoyable again seeing all those mid to late 80s videos from Motley Crue and Testament and Anthrax and Poison and Metallica and other numerous unmentionable one-hit metal wonders. Enjoyable in a truly sickening kind of way. I mean spandex and leather in the same ensemble? So gauche.

I'm not depressed, but the weather really is.

16:23:23 - 2001-02-09


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