meximick's Diaryland Diary



OK, so I figured out my work-related superpower. It's not capability or attention to detail or dedication to your job. Fuck that. It's good interviewing techniques! I do interview well. But I don't work hard at all. I can, mind you. It's just the last couple jobs I have had were weak, and didn't make me a happyworkerguy.

Today was cool. This afternoon I was shirking my duties on a conference call with partygirl and her cool cousin frogs. We were figuring out my stalker situation. We were all about breaking down virtual walls. I'm putting it in tomorrown and I'll leave a link up when it goes online.

Fuck. I have to go to see Rancid at the Riveria Theatre tonight so I'm leaving

I'll see you in the pit.

20:37:49 - 2000-11-02


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