meximick's Diaryland Diary


no firings

There shall be no firing this day, dear friend.

The meeting was pointless. I didn't have to sign anything, and I'm not on any queer 'probation period' or anything. Me, my boss, and our respective boss sat around the conference table and bitched and gossiped about all sorts of useless company bullshit.

Then we went out for Mexican food.

Crisis averted!

And it's funny because neither my boss, nor I knew quite what to expect out of that dreaded meeting that ended with tacos.

For the first time, I was pleasantly surprised by something related to my job. The thing is, I can never be sure what kind of job-related bullshit will happen, but I am constantly disappointed.

The worst part of today was being sick. I feel like passing out...

And I still love you.

20:06:31 - 2001-01-17


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