meximick's Diaryland Diary


tomorrow's the day

Word up.

So I still can't tell whether I'm going to be fired tomorrow. Boss's boss is coming in to town for one day. If she came for a talk, she wasted her time. If she came to "Get it on" with me, well, it's about fucking time(she is cute as hell). If she came to fire me, then thank Holy Christ! While getting fired was not how I wanted to depart from this awful company, it was to be expected...

Oh, I also heard that this company is laying off 10% of its workers... Hmm.
And I know that one of the salespeople and the sales manager should be hurt in unique ways because they are the originators of my current stress buildup - i.e. they spoke with me and my boss, and then went to the top VPs with their complaints right afterward, and you gotta trust me on this - I'm not worth their time. They are just so weak and awful that it's not worth the explosives that doing away with them would cost.

And I'm sick. Some kind of cough in the back o'my throat that's threatening to move south and bring all of Hell with it. Fuck.

So this past weekend I spent well over two hundred US drinking dollars. Not exactly sure how, but it seemed good at the time, and I put in some serious time at a bar and a club, and came to the realization that I fucking hate dance clubs. They do have bars in them, which I appreciate. The beer tubs are convenient, that's true. I just want to have a fucking drink without stepping on, tripping over, or jostling for space with everyone in the house. Got that in college, thanks.

I'm going to go lay down now.

And fired or not....

i still love you

22:25:02 - 2001-01-16


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