meximick's Diaryland Diary


no more complaints.

I decided to stop using this diary as a venue for my complaints. I hate that I complain so much and I really fucking hate it when my incessant bitching is pointed out to me, the result being that I invariably tell the observer to "fuck the hell off". Complaining sucks and I do it too much.

There. My last complaint. For a while at least.

Now... what to do.... Oh, wait. I got a couple more quick ones -

my throat kinda hurts, I have heartburn, I don't know how much money is actually in my bank account, and I haven't paid my bills yet, and I should prolly go to the doctor to get that heart monitor, and find out what is wrong with my back, and get those 2 buttons on my coat replaced, and get a holiday job at the Virgin music store on Michigan Ave.

There. Done.

I think I'll get some water.

Ahh. Water sure is tasty.

hmm... Oh, Sheri is leaving today, and I should get her something nice - not too nice so she remembers me forever because I don't have that kind of money to throw around, but something that says "You were a nice person while I knew you, [but damn you for leaving me here, alone, with no one to talk to at work, as you go on to your fancy, high-paying new job] damn you...." Naw, I'll miss her. She's good people.

Played 5 hours of "Burgertime" last night - truly one of the finest video games to have been released in the 80s. I never did get a response from the ad I placed for that focusgroup girl Lauren which was a long shot anyway, so I don't feel so bad about it. There are three college-age girls who recently moved in to the upstairs apartment, which is good. They are also heavywalkers, which is bad. They appear to have some hippiegirl tendencies - 'do rags and baggy corduroys, which can be good [read: drugs and booze, imbibement of]. But I also heard Tejano music (Mexicanstyle country/polka sounding noise) blaring loudstyle from their living room, and that's just disturbing.

18:28:50 - 2000-11-28


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