meximick's Diaryland Diary


Thanksgiving in NYC

Did you know that, as my boss just informed me, that unless the package specifically states "non-drowsy cold formula" that Dimetapp is basically legalized Quaaludes? Me either. So now I'm barely cinging to consciousness, yet my sinuses are surprisingly dry. The symptoms I had attributed to allergies now indicate I have a cold. I bought $27 worth of cold fighting medicine and drinks this morning. I almost caused my head to cave in due to an incredible air pressure differential caused by overblowing my nose. But then my skull promtly and painfully righted itself via my nose. Yeah, I'm that guy at work.

Thanksgiving was fun. Went to visit my brother in NY. Did not get enough turkey or trimmings, but I did get a photograph with (and got to touch) a transvestite's breast (his/her request!), which is something to tell the grandkids. And what absolutely made my trip was bumping into hysterically funny comedians outside a comedy club in Greenwich Village - Jeffrey Ross and Dave Attell. It was one of those, "Holy shit! There's a famous person just sitting over there!" moments. But they were both very cool. We walked around Times Square around midnight on saturday, and it was hectic to say the least. I felt like a complete foreigner - gawking everywhere, not paying attention to things such as cars that were about to run me over. I didn't get to whip rocks at MTV studios, but we went to Barcode for a couple hours, which was a lot of fun.

I can't take off today or tomorrow because I've allotted all my personal days for the rest of the year already, so I'm screwed until Friday, which I already requested off. Need to Christmasshop....

11:52 a.m. - 2001-11-27


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